Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica: INAF Brera Print

INAF is Italy's national astronomy institute. Participating in the "Black Hole Universe" training network is INAF Brera, located in the Milano area of Italy.

The Milano area is a very active environment in the study of  galactic and extragalactic compact objects. In addition to the research experience, there is a strong tradition of training of  students from local universities and PostDocs. The Brera/Merate node hosts active hardware groups with strong connection with industry and is the home of the Italian collaboration for the Swift mission. Moreover, it is involved in a number of current and future observatories, both ground-based and from space. The institute is also part of a local network of institutions with similar scientific interests in BH astrophysics: INAF-IASF in Milano (involved in XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL, and AGILE) and the Universities of Milano I, Milano Bicocca, Insubria/Como, and Pavia.