19 | 05 | 2021
Participating Institutions PDF Print E-mail

Map showing the networking structure of the Black Hole UniverseThe network consists of the following "core group" of institutions at which the students and postdocs working in the network will be employed:

The network is supported by a supervisory board consisting of representatives from the following companies:

  • Praesepe SL, Spain (Dr. O. Rees Williams)
  • pn-Sensor GmbH, Munich, Germany (Prof. Lothar Strüder)
  • cosine Science and Computing,The Netherlands (Dr. Giuseppe Vacanti)
  • OC&C Strategy Consultants, The Netherlands (Dr. Rohied Mokiem)
  • Rheatech, Ltd., United Kingdom (Dr. Alexi Glover)

In addition, scientists and engineers from the following associated and further partners closely collaborate with the network in research and training:

  • Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA
  • University of Crete, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
  • Universitat di Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
  • Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, Granada, Spain
  • Universidad de Valencia, Spain
  • Praesepe SL, Spain
  • pn-Sensor GmbH, Munich, Germany
  • cosine Science and Computing,The Netherlands
  • OC&C Consultancy, The Netherlands
  • Rheatech, Ltd., United Kingdom