1st Circular for Second Multiwavelength School |
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First ANNOUNCEMENT----------------------------------------------------------------------2nd Summer School on Multiwavelength Astronomy----------------------------------------------------------------------28 June - 9 July 2010----------------------------------------------------------------------Amsterdam, The Netherlands----------------------------------------------------------------------
WEB: http://www.black-hole.eu/mwschool2 EMAIL: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it POSTER: http://www.black-hole.eu/mwschool2/poster.pdf
The European Union FP7/ITN network "Black Hole Universe" is pleased to announce a 2-week summer school in Amsterdam, the Netherlands,entitled the "Second Summer School on Multiwavelength Astronomy".
Scientific rationale
Our current understanding of accretion onto black holes and neutron stars has evolved greatly in the past 20 years, thanks largely to the plethora of scientific data available at all wavelengths.
Advances in the X-ray band have been made possible by recent satellites such as XMM-Newton, Chandra, INTEGRAL, RXTE, Swift, and Suzaku, while the new gamma-ray satellite Fermi is in the early stages of what promises to be a very discovery-laden mission. The same is true for radio astronomy, with many discoveries from existing world-leading radio-astronomical observatories such the ATCA, the VLA, the VLBA, the EVN, and MERLIN, with a range of major planned upgrades to these facilities, plus additional facilities in planning or construction stages such as LOFAR, ALMA, ASKAP, MeerKAT and eventually SKA.
Clearly, given these developments, there is a pressing need for more researchers capable of exploiting the enormous volume of upcoming scientific data across the broadband. In this context, we announce an international summer school with the aim of providing young researchers the necessary expertise and skills to independently analyze and interpret multiwavelength data pertaining to in particular accretion physics. Therefore we focus on the radio and X-ray/gamma-ray bands.
The school will span two weeks, with each week roughly focused on radio and X-ray/gamma-ray analysis, respectively. The program will include a mixture of lectures as well as practical, hands-on data analysis sessions (using, for example, AIPS, CASA, ISIS, XSPEC). The school will also include some science talks and complementary skills training. Priority will be given to hands-on sessions performing real data-analysis. Please check the webpages regularly:
for additional information on the exact program of the school as becomes available.
Confirmed teachers include T. Belloni (I), K. Blundell (UK), L. Burderi (I), T. DiSalvo (I), E. Kalemci (TR), B. Kelly (USA), M. van der Klis (NL), E. Koerding (F), S. Markoff (NL), J. McEnery (USA), J. Miller-Jones (USA), M. Nowak (USA), I. Papadakis (G), M. Ribo (SP), A.M.S. Richards (UK), J. Rodriguez (F), P. Uttley (UK), R. Wijnands (NL), J. Wilms (D), M. Wise (NL).
The audience targeted by the school is primarily PhD students, but we will consider admitting a few early-stage postdocs. We have chosen a 2 week duration in order to allow a wider coverage of scientific topics, as well as ample time for discussions and practice.
Venue and accommodation
The school will be held on the Science Park Campus of the University of Amsterdam, located in a renovated area 10 minutes by train from Amsterdam Central Station. A block of rooms has been reserved for students at a nearby hotel.
Application and financial support
The housing costs will be subsidized for all students, however fuller financial support will be provided for a limited number of PhD students who submit complete applications, and plan to attend for the entire duration of the program. Justification for the request must be explained in the application. We anticipate being able to offer about ten grants, where support will come in the form of additional accommodation subsidies, and/or a per diem. In all cases, participants must pay the registration fee. Travel support may be considered for only very exceptional cases.
Last year's school was oversubscribed by a factor of 3, thus we expect this year to be similarly competitive for admission. Interested parties should send the application forms below, as well as PDFs of their CV, a letter of motivation for attending the school, and have preferably two letters of reference sent, all to the organizers at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
The deadline for receipt of admission and financial aid applications, and letters of reference, is midnight (CET) on 22 March, 2010!!
The registration fee is 200 Euros, and accommodation for 13 nights (27 June - 10 July) will cost only 350 Euros, payment form TBD. There will be no refund possible in case of partial attendance.
The number of participants is limited to 35 in order to facilitate the hands-on sessions that are a significant part of the school.
SOC: T. Belloni (I), K. Blundell (UK), S. Corbel (F), E. Kalemci (TR), S. Markoff (NL, Chair), J. Miller-Jones (USA), A.M.S. Richards (UK), J. Rodriguez (F), P. Uttley (UK), J. Wilms (D)
LOC: M. Armas Padilla, S. Dibi, S. Drappeau, D. Huppenkothen, S. Markoff (Chair), R. Plotkin (Secr.), P. Polko, D. Russel, J. Swinbank
----------------- application form / cut here ------------------------
To be sent to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
APPLICATION FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Summer School on Multiwavelength Astronomy ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 June - 9 July 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Amsterdam, Netherlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Last name:
First Name :
Title (Ms/Mr/Dr.):
Age: Sex (F/M):
Current Position:
Scientific interests:
Financial support required (Y/N):
I have attached the following files IN PDF FORMAT:
--Curriculum Vitae --Letter of motivation --Request for financial support (If checked Y above)
Here are the names and email-adresses of (preferably two) references, whom I will instruct to send in their letters of recommendation by the deadline:
Note: only complete applications can be considered!
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