19 | 05 | 2021
Application and Registration PDF Print E-mail

For last year's school we were oversubscribed by a factor of 3, so we expect a similar ratio or more this year.  We only have room for ~35 participants, thus if you are serious about trying to attend, please pay careful attention to the application procedures.  There will be limited funds for financial aid, only given to applicants with well-explained cases and good recommendation letters.  

See details in the First Circular, but the registration fee is 200€, and subsidized housing in a nearby hotel for 13 nights, including breakfast, will be provided for 350€.   

To be considered, please email the following form (along with required attachments) to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it :

 ----------------- application form / cut here ------------------------

To be sent to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2nd Summer School on Multiwavelength Astronomy
28 June - 9 July 2010
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Last name:
 First Name :
Title (Ms/Mr/Dr.):

Sex (F/M):

Current Position:



Scientific interests:

Financial support required (Y/N):

I have attached the following files IN PDF FORMAT:

--Curriculum Vitae
--Letter of motivation
--Request for financial support (If checked Y above)

Here are the names and email-adresses of (preferably two) references,
whom I will instruct to send in their letters of recommendation by the

Note: only complete applications can be considered!

----------------- application form / cut here ------------------------