Mohamed Ali | University of Leeds | | |
William Alston | University of Leicester | | |
Montserrat Armas Padilla | Institute Anton Pannekoek | |
Daniel Asmus | ITAP, CAU Kiel, Germany | | |
Magnus Axelsson | Royal Institute of Technology | |
Pandge Mahadev Baburao | Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded |
Rumen Bachev | Institute of Astronomy, Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Sergey Balashev | Ioffe Institute, Saint-Petersburg | |
Kris Beckwith | JILA, University of Colorado @ Boulder | |
Tomaso Belloni | INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera |
Subir Bhattacharyya | Astrophysical Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre |
Eugenio Bottacini | Stanford University | | |
William Nielsen Brandt | The Pennsylvania State University | |
Jess Broderick | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton |
Sara Buson | | INFN/University of Padova | |
Dan Calvelo | | University of Southampton | |
Duncan Cameron | University of Southampton | |
Piergiorgio Casella | University of Southampton | |
Pablo Cassatella | University of Southampton | |
Annalisa Celotti | SISSA, Trieste, Italy | | |
Bo Chai | | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory | |
Tao Chen | | CEA/Saclay | | | |
Chia-Ying Chiang | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge |
Yoon Young Chun | SABANCI UNIV. | | |
Sıdıka Merve Çolak | Middle East Technical University | |
Elisa Costantini | SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research |
David Cseh | | CEA Saclay | | | |
Peter Curran | CEA-Saclay | | | |
Thomas Dauser | Remeis Observatory & ECAP | |
Shane Davis | | CITA | | | |
Gulab Chand Dewangan | Inter-University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics (IUCAA) |
Maria Diaz Trigo | ESO | | | |
Chris Done | | University of Durham | | |
Samia Drappeau | API - Universiteit van Amsterdam | |
Martin Durant | University of Florida | | |
Refiz Duro | | Dr. Remeis Observatory & ECAP | |
Jacobo Ebrero | SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research |
Elise Egron | | Università di Cagliari | | |
Dimitrios Emmanoulopoulos | University of Southampton | |
P. Chris Fragile | College of Charleston | | |
Krisztina Eva Gabanyi | Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary |
Elena Gallo | | University of Michigan | | |
Dimitrios Giannios | Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton |
Viktoriya Giryanskaya | Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute |
Margherita Giustini | INAF-IASF Bologna | | |
René Goosmann | Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg |
Jenny Greene | University of Texas at Austin | |
Victoria Grinberg | Remeis Observatory & ECAP | |
Nick Higginbottom | University of Southampton | |
Linnea Hjalmarsdotter | Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University |
Wynn Ho | | University of Southampton | |
Judith Ineson | University of Southampton | |
Adam Ingram | Durham University | | |
Tim Johannsen | University of Arizona | | |
Sadie Jones | | Uni of Southampton | | |
Maithili Niranjan Kalamkar | University of Amsterdam | | |
Emrah Kalemci | Sabanci University | | |
Anna Kapinska | University of Southampton | |
Andrew King | University of Leicester | | |
Michiel van der Klis | University of Amsterdam | | |
Christian Knigge | University of Southampton | |
Mari Kolehmainen | Durham University | | |
Karri Koljonen | Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory |
Sibasish Laha | Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics |
Dong Lai | | Cornell University | | |
Fraser Lewis | Faulkes Telescope Project / University of Glamorgan |
Andrew Lobban | Keele University | | |
Thomas Joseph Maccarone | University of Southampton | |
Rachel MacDonald | Yale University | | |
Julien Malzac | IRAP (CNRS/Université de Toulouse) | |
Frédéric Marin | Strasbourg Observatory | | |
Sera Markoff | API, University of Amsterdam | |
Ian McHardy | University of Southampton | |
Dave Meier | | JPL | | | |
Matthew Middleton | University of Durham | | |
Ivica Miskovicova | Dr. Remeis Observatory & ECAP | |
Mahmoud Mohamed | Max-Planck for Astronomy-Heidelberg | |
Sara Elisa Motta | INAF/Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera |
Luca Naso | | NAOC - National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Rodrigo Nemmen | NASA GSFC | | | |
Pieter van Oers | University of Southampton | |
Zaza Osmanov | Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics, Ilia State University |
Zsolt Paragi | | Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe (JIVE) | |
Daniel Plant | | University of Southampton | |
Richard Plotkin | University of Amsterdam | | |
Peter Polko | | University of Amsterdam | | |
Gabriele Ponti | University of Southampton | |
Sandra Raimundo | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge |
Jerome Rodriguez | CEA Saclay, Lab. AIM | | |
Agata Rozanska | N. Copernicus Astronomical Centre | |
David Russell | University of Amsterdam | | |
Norbert Schartel | XMM-Newton SOC, ESA | | |
Hana Schumacher | Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation | |
Amy Scott | | University of Leicester | | |
Stuart Sim | | RSAA, ANU | | | |
Chris Skipper | University of Southampton | |
Paolo Soleri | | Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen |
Roberto Soria | Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy | |
Holger Stiele | INAF OAB | | | |
Emilio Tejeda | SISSA | | | |
Sergei Trushkin | Special astrophysical observatory RAS | |
Phil Uttley | | University of Southampton | |
Peggy Varniere | APC | | | |
Simon Vaughan | University of Leicester | | |
Brian Warner | University of Southampton/UCT | |
Natalie Webb | Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie |
Alicja Wierzcholska | Jagiellonian University | | |
Rudy Wijnands | University of Amsterdam | | |
Joern Wilms | Remeis-Observatory & ECAP | |
Michael W. Wise | ASTRON (Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) |
Zhen Yan | | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory | |
Yi-Jung Yang | University of Amsterdam | | |
Bei You | | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory | |
Wenda Zhang | Shanghai Astronomical Observatory | |
Zhaoyu Zuo | | Department of Physics, Xi'an Jiaotong University |